FLP is a company that already excists for over 40 years. It was founded by Rex Maughan. Since two years the leadership is given to his son Gregg Maughan who was already involved for over 20 years in the company. The vision of founder Rex Maughan was to start a company that would make it possible for common people to lead a happier life. He saw too many people who weren’t happy because of their health and / or their income. He thought it limited people in their freedom. Their freedom to make the choices in life that they would like to make. He saw Network Marketing as the perfect tool for people to achieve this and chose Aloe Vera as the basic product. A very successful combination as it appears to be.
FLP is already successful in over 160 countries. Millions of Forever Business Owners work independently together with FLP. And the turnover has passed the $2 billon long ago.
It’ll be okay. Most Forever Business Owners start with a few hours per week. The idea from Forever is that the work will give you more (leisure) time that’s missing now. It’s about smart working.
To start doesn’t cost anything. When someone wants to develop activities, then he or she needs a certain amount of products to use themselves and for supplying the first productcustomers (what will deliver profit immediately). Most people start with a startpack between €200-€600. Most people are surprised that this relatively small investment offers such good development opportunities.
That’s no problem, a few people to start with is already enough. This system builds on the fact that everyone knows a few people.
It’s a simple cycle. You start using some products you feel good about. If you haven’t experienced products, how can you expect to be enthousiastic from your heart? How can you recommend if you haven’t experienced the products yourself? It’s like the baker who eats his own bread. When you get enthousiastic, you start sharing. That’s how recommendation works. It works contagious! So you can make your first sales like this. When you would like to build a team you’ll start sharing about the business. By coaching these people you learn them what you have done. Don’t worry, you’ll be coached and trained!
The main thing is if you’re a people person. If you like to help people. Because that’s what this whole business is about. Either you’re helping people by recommending the products they could benefit from or /and you’re helping people to start their own business by using the business model of Forever. In both ways you are helping people change their lives. In the areas of health and lifestyle. And lifestyle includes a lot: from helping people earn some extra income, creating more time, creating a better work-life balance, live healthier, feeling more fit and energetic, develop personal. You help people to create more freedom in life so that they can make the choices in life they would like to make. So if you already are experienced in mentoring, coaching, teaching, sales, HR, that’s great. And if you haven’t yet: don’t worry… we have some great training opportunities which will support you and give you the tools to learn and grow ‘on the job’, although it’s not ‘a job’. It’s learning by doing. It’s a great chance! Are you enthousiastic already?
FLP is a company that’s still growing. That’s only possible when the products are good (people are running out of products and only buy them again if they’re good) and the business model is honest and profitable for the people who work with it. It’s the most generous company in this sector.
That’s great! Let’s talk and find out what your wishes and goals are for your life. Think how much time you can spend per week on building your business. 5 – 10 Hours per week to start with is already enough. Please know that a lot of contacts throughout your day already can be interesting contacts to build your Forever business. It all depends of what you want to achieve: if you want to build and grow fast, it’s logical that you need to put more time and energy in it. Book an appointment in my agenda through this website. It’s possible with Calendly. So we can get to know each other and find out if there’s a click. Because that is also important: trust must be there for both sides. So let’s talk!